Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Wrap Up

awesome 3 day weekend for labor day!

started it off seeing the pharcyde at canes! all of them were there! imani, bootie brown, fatlip AND slimkid tre! what you don't know is what made it sooo good was not a member of the pharcyde, but lorenzohhh's company.

then, spent a good sat night at a friend's bbq slash the-parents-ain't-home-so-lets-farty party. can't think of a better time than hanging out w/ friends you don't see too often + beers + beef + bmx bikes + board bames + buitar bero.

sunday night was spent downtown. since we couldn't get into onyx for hiphopkaraoke since that damn doorlady wanted $20 (when it was really $5) we drank x2 crown y cokes over some drum & bass =\

spent labor day hanging out at the pool! gf's fam came over for a fun day at the pool.
**update: i still can't tread water.

In Other News...

...kit kats are good!

i shoulda grabbed:
2x kit kats

...instead of:
1x kit kat
1x m&m's (plain)